
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A senario of implementing a custom event

In this blog I will represent two senario of implementing a custom event one without arguments and other with arguments

Here is a full implementation of both senarios when using event args and when using a custom event args to pass some information when raising events
namespace ConsoleApplication1
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      //Without arguements
      EventClass eventClass = new EventClass();
      eventClass.CustomEvent+=new EventHandler(eventClass_CustomEvent);

      //With arguements
      EventWithArguementsClass eventwithargclass = new EventWithArguementsClass();
      eventwithargclass.CustomEvent+=new EventWithArguementsClass.CustomEventHandler(eventwithargclass_CustomEvent);

    static void eventClass_CustomEvent(object sender, EventArgs args)
      Console.WriteLine("The event is raised");

    static void eventwithargclass_CustomEvent(object sender, CustomEventArgs args)
      args.Message = "The event with parameters is raised";


  //Class sample with event args, used when you don't need to pass some information throught
  class EventClass
    private event EventHandler customEvent;

    public event EventHandler CustomEvent
      add { customEvent += value; OnCustomEvent(); }
      remove { customEvent -= value; }

    protected void OnCustomEvent()
      if (null!= customEvent)
        customEvent(this, new EventArgs());

  //Class sample with event args, used when you need to pass some information throught like the message
  class EventWithArguementsClass
    public delegate void CustomEventHandler(object sender, CustomEventArgs args);
    private event CustomEventHandler customEvent;
    private string message=string.Empty; 

    public event CustomEventHandler CustomEvent
      add { customEvent += value; OnCustomEvent(message); }
      remove { customEvent -= value; }

    protected void OnCustomEvent(string message)
      if (null != customEvent)
        customEvent(this, new CustomEventArgs(message));

  class CustomEventArgs:EventArgs
    public string Message { get; set; }

    public CustomEventArgs(string message)
      Message = message;

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