
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Display files of a given folder within a DataGridView

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;

namespace WindowsApplication
  public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void btnConnection_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      //Open a file dialog
      FolderBrowserDialog dialog = new FolderBrowserDialog();
      string filePath = string.Empty;
      //Set the target folder path
      if (dialog.ShowDialog()== System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
        filePath = dialog.SelectedPath;

      //Add a column of buttons to the current data grid view
      DataGridViewButtonColumn buttonColumn = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
      buttonColumn.HeaderText = "Buttons";
      //Register an event of click so that it raises when the user clicks a cell
      fichierGrid.CellClick += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(fichierGrid_CellClick);
      //Add the buttons column to the grid
      //Set the data source of the grid
      fichierGrid.DataSource = loadFiles(filePath);

    void fichierGrid_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
      DataGridView grid = (DataGridView)sender;
      //the click will concern the first column 
      if (e.ColumnIndex==0)
        //Catch the row index of the clicked button 
        int index = e.RowIndex;
        //Get the corresponding file path
        string path = grid[4, index].Value.ToString();
        //Start the process as we have the path now 

    /// <summary>
    /// This method loads files
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="folderPath">The folder path</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public List<File> loadFiles(string folderPath)
      DirectoryInfo folder = new DirectoryInfo(folderPath);
      var requete = from element in folder.GetFiles()
             select new File
               Name = element.Name,
               Folder = element.DirectoryName,
               Extension = element.Extension,
               Path = element.FullName
      return requete.ToList();

  /// <summary>
  /// This class represent the files those are displyed in the grid view
  /// </summary>
  public class File
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Folder { get; set; }
    public string Extension { get; set; }
    public string Path { get; set; }

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